Tuesday 1 October 2019

Olympus E-M1X continued.................

Above 100% blow up from ISO 5000 jpg. - 50MP high res hand held image - straight out of camera.

I went out yesterday to try out a couple of things on the Olympus E-M1X. Firstly shoot some hand held 4K video and secondly to try out some high(er) ISO shots.

So the 4K video is excellent and Olympus have made good progress with this. The IBIS is also excellent. I've never really been a fan of it, but I can't deny that on the E-M1X it works well. The hand held footage was run through the stabilisation option in iMovie and as you can see the result is pretty stable. The high(er) ISO shots I took were also impressive. m4/3 gives much better results than most people give it credit for. I was using my Lumix 14-140mm lens and the above shot is at the 140mm end with a slow aperture of f/5.6 in some pretty gloomy light. It was also shot in hand held high-res mode and shows very little noise.

So both of those tests turned out very well.

The final thing I did was try out some of my Canon lenses with a Viltrox 0.71x speed booster. Again all images were shot in hand held high-res 50MP mode.

All images shot with my Canon 17-40mm f/4 lens, which as you can see above the camera thinks is a 12-28mm f/2.8

It's actually not possible to use speed boosters with some Olympus cameras because of the design, but the E-M1X poses no problems.