Monday 7 October 2019

Kamlan 50mm f/1.1 lens on a Panasonic Lumix GX9 m4/3 camera

The Kamlan 50mm f/1.1 is a cheap, very fast lens in a variety of mounts. I've tried the one for m4/3. So is it any good? Well, unfortunately it's not. It's reasonably good wide open, but not for much else.

Above image is a t f/1.1 and the 100% blowup is on the right. So not bad. The problems start when the lens is stopped down.

The above image was shot at f/4. Below are what the right and left edge are like.

So pretty horrible. It doesn't get any better stopping down further either. Now I could have got a duff lens, but I'm not inclined to pursue this any further. I bought it from Amazon so it's going back for a refund. Some of these cheap(er) Chinese lenses are OK and good value, but this is very poor. Unfortunately here the price reflects the quality. I guess it might be some use if you want a lens to use permanently at f/1.1, but apart from that it's pretty dire. If you are interested in this, there are other reviews, some saying how good the bokeh is. Well, that's not my experience and in my opinion you buy one of these lenses at your peril.