Tuesday 25 June 2019

Leica M-E (Typ 240) - Leica ownership

In the light of the release of the 'budget' Leica M-E (Typ 240) I thought I would offer up the joys of Leica ownership to satisfy the legions of Leica detractors.

I have 5 Leicas (3 Film and 2 Digital) I like to take them out to impress the peasants. The whole reason for owning one is to show what superior taste I have and to pretend that I'm very rich. (However the T Shirt with holes in usually spoils that illusion!) I have this message tattooed on my forehead which says 'I'm using a Leica and you aren't.' Unfortunately the majority of the population miss the point since they haven't got a clue what a Leica is. The looks I get are usually sympathy (He can't afford a proper camera, he has to use his grandads!!)

It would obviously be a lot cooler if I was using a Sony something, or better still one of those Fuji things, but I don't care so long as I can impress one person in 100,000. The joys of Leica ownership are obvious, snobbery, oneupmanship, an inherent sense of superiority and a misguided sense of self importance. Plus the greatest things of all. You can actually press the shutter with the lens cap on (Think Victoria Beckham) and assume you are actually taking pictures when you are not and you have to dismantle the camera to get the card out. Now what other camera does that??