Friday, 30 December 2011

Sony NEX-7 - A few tests and samples

Here are a few full-size jpgs. from the NEX-7.

Click on image > flickr > Actions > View all sizes > Original

ISO 100
ISO 100

ISO 800
ISO 800

ISO 6400
ISO 6400



Some comparisons with the a77 - using the same lens - 30mm f/2.8 Macro.

ISO 100
ISO 800

ISO 6400

Interestingly it seems the NEX-7 files are slightly less noisy and slightly less sharp. Indicating possibly a slightly stronger Anti-Aliasing / Low Pass filter?

Finally here are three raw .dng files available for download. As ever these are copyright, for personal evaluation and must not be shared, or re-posted without permission or used in any other way whatsoever.

There's nothing here that surprises me - having used the a77 I knew what to expect, and I'll be working out my own processing parameters when I get some "real world" files to work with.

As I think can be clearly seen, this isn't a great sensor for high ISO work, but then I'm sure nobody is surprised by that.