Friday 9 December 2011

Samsung NX200 review - Part 10 Using Sony a-mount lens with an adapter

I got hold of a Novoflex Sony a-mount > Samsung NX adapter to use my lenses on the NX200. This isn't easy. The magnification focus aid doesn't work with it so its focusing using the screen at full size only. (UPDATE - you can tell this is a rolling review! The magnification for MF lenses DOES work, by pressing the OK button on the back of the camera) Sony a-mount lenses also don't have aperture rings so its guesswork as far as thats concerned. The Novoflex adapter does have an aperture changer, (the blue ring in the pictures) but as usual there are no markings. However having said all that the results are great.

This is the Sigma 8-16mm (Sony a-mount)

Samsung NX200 Sigma 8-12mm (Sony a-mount) Novoflex Sony a-mount > Samsung NX adapter

Samsung NX200 Sigma 8-12mm (Sony a-mount) Novoflex Sony a-mount > Samsung NX adapter
N.B. All of these images taken with the NX200 + adapter are available at full-size if you click on them through to flickr > Actions > View all sizes > Original.

Samsung NX200 Sigma 8-12mm (Sony a-mount) Novoflex Sony a-mount > Samsung NX adapter

This is the Sony a-mount 30mm f/2.8 macro lens.

Samsung NX200 Sony 30mm f/2.8 Macro (Sony a-mount) Novoflex Sony a-mount > Samsung NX adapter

Samsung NX200 Sony 30mm f/2.8 Macro (Sony a-mount) Novoflex Sony a-mount > Samsung NX adapter

Samsung NX200 Sony 30mm f/2.8 Macro (Sony a-mount) Novoflex Sony a-mount > Samsung NX adapter

This is the Sony a-mount 85mm f/2.8 SAM lens.

Samsung NX200 Sony 85mm f/2.8 (Sony a-mount) Novoflex Sony a-mount > Samsung NX adapter

Samsung NX200 Sony 85mm f/2.8 (Sony a-mount) Novoflex Sony a-mount > Samsung NX adapter

Samsung NX200 Sony 85mm f/2.8 (Sony a-mount) Novoflex Sony a-mount > Samsung NX adapter

Using this adapter works OK on a tripod with some time to focus properly and use small apertures, so consequently would actually be very useful for serious landscape work. However walking around trying to use these lenses hand held was a total PITA and is not something I'm planning on doing much of. (If at all!) (UPDATE 2 - having found the way to get the MF magnification (see above) I'm going to give this a try)

However this does show once again what this camera is capable of if you are prepared to put in some work. Unfortunately it also highlights the lack of lenses for the system. Particularly the absence of a decent wide-angle. One of the advantages of m4/3 is that Panasonic got the 7-14mm zoom out relatively quickly, which is something neither Sony or Samsung have managed for their mirrorless CSC's. The Sigma 8-16mm produced amazing results which you will see if you look at the full size images. However, a Samsung version of something this wide doesn't seem to be on the horizon.

These results have made me decide on a three-way comparison between my Sony a77, NEX-5n and the NX200, since I can now use the same lens on all three cameras. I'll do this relatively soon. Should be interesting!